Imran Ismail Critical Reflection Essay Advanced Portfolio How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions ? My product upheld some of the codes and conventions of documentary like vox pops and interview with participants (gives us a peek into the mind of the subject whilst also seeking the perspective of others - entertainment, personal identity and education - uses and Grats). I was really inspired by Netflix’s ‘Drive to Survive’ (2019), where we have a subject walking in and talking to the director while being captured, but there are no breaks in the interview and it just looks like a conversation that is clipped to add to the film, hand held camera(where i used it to make the audience feel like they were on the court with the subject where the excitement or the share power of the dunk ) ,emotive music and voiceover(use in the montage scene to help inspire ) The docuseries “The Last Dance” (2020) which was produced by Ja...
lighting in horror low-key lighting Horror movies frequently employ low-key lighting because of the effects it produces. The dark tone and shadows created by this lighting are appropriate for a horror movie; they increase anxiety because of the film's eerie, enigmatic mood and limit how much of the setting and people are revealed. Through the use of shadows and muted colours, it establishes the tenor, the mood, and a perilous relationship with mystery. (an example of low key lighting used in a film) high-key lighting apart from low-key lighting horror producers can also use high key lighting , this helps to : - The lights utilised produce a light hue and are particularly bright. - To illuminate the entire scene, the lights are frequently placed high above. - Because the lights are placed high above, they don't need to be changed, making it simple to film continuously. - Makes use of several hot light sources (fluorescent soft lights)....
Name : Jacob Johnson Age : 18 Gender : male From the United Kingdom, London Favorite Basketball player: is Steph Curry Jacob Johnson is an 18 year old who lives in central London and plays basketball with his friends after school and on weekends to destress, relax and socialize. He also plays for a local club and is often part of the starting line up as he is a capable player. When he is on the bench, he enjoys supporting his team and uses his knowledge of basketball and tactical knowledge to encourage from the side line. He aspires to be like Steph Curry, his favorite player. Jacob enjoys rap music and pop culture in American Basketball as it has an influence on pop culture around the world. He likes to wear Nike, Adidas and Kappa as these lines all favour sports attire that is comfortable, practical but also fashionable, much like the things his favourite player wears. These are also practical as they mean he can play whenever he wants. He owns one pair of Nike KD 6’s in red an...
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