research on lighting in horror

 lighting in horror 

low-key lighting 

Horror movies frequently employ low-key lighting because of the effects it produces. The dark tone and shadows created by this lighting are appropriate for a horror movie; they increase anxiety because of the film's eerie, enigmatic mood and limit how much of the setting and people are revealed. Through the use of shadows and muted colours, it establishes the tenor, the mood, and a perilous relationship with mystery.

Make Your Films More Cinematic with Low-key Lighting

(an example of low key lighting used in a film)

high-key lighting 

apart from low-key lighting horror producers can also use high key lighting , this helps to : 

- The lights utilised produce a light hue and are particularly bright. 

- To illuminate the entire scene, the lights are frequently placed high above. 

- Because the lights are placed high above, they don't need to be changed, making it simple to film continuously. 

- Makes use of several hot light sources (fluorescent soft lights). 

- Typically seen in comedies and sitcoms.

What is high-key lighting and how can you use it? - Videomaker

(an example of high-key lighting used in a film)


this blog was really helpful as in most horror films low key lighting is used most of the time and this research was able to show me how to use it and I will definitely be using these methods in my final film


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