RESEARCH: Codes and conventions of : Documentary

 Codes and conventions of a Documentary 

Hand held camera 

  • fly on the wall filming DGA Quarterly Magazine | Summer 2019 | Shot to Remember - Breaking Bad
  • narrative voice over 
  • creation of a 'narrative journey' in order to answer a question
  • vox pops and interviews with experts/witnesses/participants 
  • How video interviews with experts can help your brand | Clipchamp Blog
  • often a shorter running time than non-fiction feature films 
  • intercutting/parallel editing linking key scenes
  • use of archive footage or photographs to support films scenes 
  • mediated culture - documentaries select and construct, thus encoding opinion and subjectivity - key importance of editing 
  • selective editing crucial to constructing meaning - use of anchorage to encourage preferred reading 
  • often point of view encoded ideology, preferred meaning 
  • use of establishing shot and close up 
  • Establishing shot - Wikipedia
  • observational, interactive , reflective , expository, in formal 3 act structure , closed investigative narrative 
  • often single stranded, linear - one subject is often the topic 
  • exploration of narrative themes , messages and values of the film maker
  • different purpose - to entertain , inform , educate, satirise, shock , provide voyeuristic pleasure and for propaganda purposes 
  • characters are often hyper real, exaggerated stereotypes e.g. Charlton Heston and Micheal Moore himself in bowling for columbine - real people framed in narrative roles such as hero or villain 
  • use of emotive or other music 
  • use of mise-en-scene or props to reinforce ideas about characters or theme 

This blog has helped me learn the key elements of a documentary
I also learned some new vocabulary  
I can then use this information when filming for my final task 


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