PLANNING :script for interview : critical question 3

 How did your production skills develop throughout this project ?

well when first starting of i wasnt any good at all which was kind of expected . so every time i got a new peice of equipment i would first take pictures of things to note before spending about 2-3 days just playing around with the hardware to get as comfortable with it before i tried to take an actual shoot with the equipment . i also never deleted any of my mistakes as it allowed me the opportunity to ask for help or to come back to critique myself and learn from my mistake 

my planning skills have also developed a lot this year , because when i was just starting my pleminary task i would make up acts just before i shoot but over time i started to get more consistent with my storyboarding,scriptwriting and risk assesment e.t.c 

but i think the skill that was the toughest to develop and the one that stood out the most was the editing which was extremly difficult on adobe premier pro , but finally after many youtube tutorials im not as bad 

Welcome to our new and welcome back to our loyal subscribers , you are now listening to Media by the mere an informative podcast about everything in the world of media .

 Today I have the special honour of being joined by one of the hottest directors out now with his film behind well exceeding public expectations , the man himself Imran Ismail , so Imran during your production skills how did your skills develop and how did you learn to be able to get to where you are today.        


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