

definition : The arrangement of the scenery . props e.t.c , on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a  film 

what to look out for in the mise en scene :

  • The character -  hair , makeup, clothing , build , body language e.t.c juxtaposition between characters 

binary oppositions - Levi Strauss (costume :light vs dark , yellow vs red , white vs dark )

  • Props - accessories, weapons, gadgets , items e.t.c
  • set - location , time of day , how the set is dressed , light e.t.c , the set id reflective of the themes within the narrative 
narrative theory - Todorv 

lighting - bight or dim , worm or cold , light or dark 

purpose - setting up the episode or is it the finale 

colour palettes 

the more modern the film is the more vibrant the colours are 

The mise-en-scene of a horror film is : 




-non diegetic sound -

-mid shot 

-no diegetic sound 

-close shot 

-establishing shot

-pov shot 


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