Final edit : draft edit 2


I finished my shooting and got straight to editing , it was fun to use the skills i have been taught through out my year doing A-level media (this is my 2nd edit and I'm not finished ) it still a bit scrapy and need to silence some audio but decided to show you my progress so far. 

one of my biggest challenges when doing this was the software adobe premier pro , i say this because i had to start over once which was not the best and took a while to get used to this newly updated software . it was just complicated but i was eventually able to get my grips around the software

this blog also helped me prepare for my exams in tv drama because i was able to name the edits we have been learning in class and use them effectively in my film like fades cuts , cross cuts , dip to black , dip from black and continues editing to give my film the feeling of more of a story than a movie .


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