IDEA 1 

This story begins with a very popular location for locals in the town to visit as it is a landmark but strangely every time someone takes a photo one member of the group vanishes from the photo but never while there still at that location . 3 friends go to this location as friends to drink and then take a photo and keep having a good night till when they leave on friend realises one of the friends was not in the photo and rushes to the friends house and open the door and there is a close up of their face without seeing what actually happens which would end the 2 and and a half minutes 


This story is a jaw dropping one , it begins with an establishing shot of a sign showing into a small town , then we hear screaming which would make the audience think that someone is in danger but that's not the case its just 2 teens having a good time then tracking of them running through the woods thinking they are in danger but the male finally catches up then flicks her hair back and start laughing this is where the antagonist tall and black appears behind them then the screen goes black and we hear a scream connoting they are dead but we then see a shot of the camera from the floor looking at the girl that has blood on her face and is on the ground which would end the 2 and a half minutes 


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