First film attempt : The shoe lace


The shoe lace 

this is my film , titled the shoe lace , I enjoyed being hands on with the camera being the director and choosing the camera shots I wanted and being able to use the camera angle shots we learned in class using it in my film. I enjoyed figuring out how to use adobe although it wasn't the easiest task and I wish to continue to improve my skills from this film to be able to create better film in the future   


The film the shoelace was very interesting for me because this was the first opportunity i got  to get behind the camera and be the director and to be the one shouting ‘action’ and ‘cut’, it also taught me the fundamentals of using the adobe editing software and start to be familiar with it . It showed me that my phone can take videos but it is very limited un the quality and what to use to shoot for my final task .


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